Photography for Wycliffe College in the University of Toronto

Portraits, architecture, and events — oh my! Photography of all types for one of the founding members of the Toronto School of Theology.

All the photos

Wycliffe College (part of the University of Toronto) needs a little bit of everything: event photography, portaiture, architecture photography, and even food shots. They offer an opportunity to take photos of some of the world’s most esteemed theologians and some of Toronto’s most interesting buildings. This photoset is the most diverse collection of images I’ve ever taken for a single client.

A man teaches a full house of people from behind a pulpit
A woman teaching at the front of a classroom surrounded by glass windows.
Man in hallway holding CD and smiling
A group of tables set up for dinner in a large dining hall, light pouring through twenty-foot windows
Black and white photo of a woman in an audience holding a microphone
A man reclines in a sofa chair by a fire
A woman leads a classroom in an illustration. They all sit in a circle around her on the floor as the lays out building blocks.
A man and woman talk amongst a crowd
A woman teaches in a classroom behind a pulpit
A man in a chair, wearing a microphone, stares off to his left.
A group of women congregate around a buffet table for a catered breakfast
A woman autographs a book
A large crowd is gathered. A man places his head in his hands, deep in thought.
A woman lifts her hands up at a pulpit. The screen behind her displays a Venn diagram.
A full basket of breakfast pastries
The CN Tower seen on a sunny day from the University of Toronto campus
The entrance to Wycliffe College
A student leans in to a presentation
Two students have a conversation in a classroom
Two professors teach together
A tower on Wycliffe campus, reaching up into the bright sky
An author reads her book to an audience
A man at a pulpit with a tall window behind him
A teacher walks down the row of his classroom
A woman stands in front of paintings, reading a piece of paper aloud into a microphone
A harpist playing her harp
A priest stands at a pulpit
A man stands at a microphone, paintings behind him
A man stands in front of the microphone
A woman stands in front of the microphone
A woman poses for a portrait
A group of men onstage at a church for a roundtable discussion
Beautiful colours spill through the stained glass windows of a cathedral

Nathan has a great eye for photography. He captures the essence of the moment and delivers images that communicate the message we need for any given project. He is a pleasure to work with.

Shelley McLagan Communications Manager, Wycliffe College

Ready to work together? Me too. Let’s get started. It’s never too early to have a conversation.